Hacker Pschorr Inn
Located in the heart of Regensburg old town.
You’ll find us in Neupfarrplatz, about 100 m from St. Peter’s cathedral.
The inn has a long history rich in tradition.
The inn’s (hi)storys
The Augustinian church and monastery owe their existence to an accident!
In 1255, a clergyman on his way to visit a sick person with some provisions (hosts) had the misfortune to slip off the so-called Judensteg bridge, dropping his holy hosts.
A chapel was immediately built on the spot, which attracted sufficient offerings to be able to build a church.
In 1267 it was handed over to the hermit order of the Holy Augustinians together with land to build a monastery.
In the 18th century, the church and monastery were renovated and decorated in the baroque and rococo styles that were fashionable at the time.
The artists responsible for this transformation were the brothers Cosmas and Egid Asam, who also worked in the Weltenburg monastery.
The Augustinian monastery existed until 1810.
In 1837, a Munich locomotive manufacturer and banker bought the property from the state and ran the brewery “Zu den Augustinern” in the former monastery building.
In 1896, the Jesuit brewery acquired the property and turned the “Augustiner” into a tavern.
Only the Asam Hall, the former refectory, with its spectacular stucco ceiling, was preserved from the monastic site, and is part of the restaurant you see today.
In 2001, the restaurant and beer garden reopened after extensive renovations.
In 2011, the brewery was taken over by the world-famous traditional brewer Hacker Pschorr in Munich.
Today, it is Hacker Pschorr Wirtshaus in the old Augustinian monastery
And there are also tales of ghosts!
In August 1650, an Augustinian monk named Hans died here. Before that, he had been a soldier for a while and was not always sensitive to his opponents.
After his death, a sudden spectre appeared in the monastery that scared the living daylights out of the monks in their cells. A great roar of wind arose near his grave, audible to those who lived near the monastery.
When the ghost got even madder and overturned a holy font with such force that the stone tiles broke, the monk’s body was exhumed.
He was reburied outside the city and his soul was handed over to the devil.
Since then, peace has reigned in the former Augustinian monastery!
You should come and see for yourself, and enjoy a tasty Hacker Pschorr beer and our Bavarian delicacies while you’re here.
“Guten Appetit”
and we wish you a pleasant time at our inn