
Soups and Bavarian delicacies

Bavarian potato soup

with fresh parsley and bread croutons 6,50

Fine beef broth

with liver dumpling or semolina dumplings 6,90

2 veal withe sausages

with a pretzel and original sweet Händlmeier mustard 8,90

Something small to start

Obazda spread cheese and greaves lard

with onion rings and 2 slices of bread 8,90

marinated boiled Beef

with horseradish cream, a side salad and
baguette 12,90

Our delicacies

Tasty grilled knuckle of suckling pig

with dark beer gravy, potato dumpling and white cabbage salad 18,90


Knuckle of suckling pig in a pepper crust with homemade gravy and potato salad 18,50

Roast of pork

with dark beer gravy, potato dumpling and sauerkraut with bacon 17,90

House classics


Roast of pork with mushroom sauce, spätzle and a side salad 18,90

Boiled grass-fed beef

with horseradish sauce, boiled potatoes and red apple cabbage 19,90

Pork schnitzel “Vienna Style”

coated in assorted breadcrumbs with potato salad 18,90

“Unser Schwabenpfandl”

Grilled fillet of pork with mushroom sauce and spätzle, served in a pan 20,90

Steak with crisp-fried onions

Sirloin steak with gravy, crisp-fried onions and spätzle or home-fried potatoes 32,50

Goulash of venison and boar

in a red wine and cranberry sauce, with bread dumpling, red apple cabbage and stewed pear with cranberries 24,90

“Our house reindl” – for 2 or more persons

with knuckle of suckling pig, roast of pork, bratwurst, dumplings, sauerkraut with bacon
and dark beer gravy 19,90 p.p.

Hacker Pschorr pork schnitzel

breaded with bacon and cheese,
served with home-fried potatoes

Grilled, corn-fed chicken breast

with fresh herb pesto, whole-grain spaghetti and mixed salad 18,90

Grilled fillet of char (boneless)

served with brown butter and boiled potatoes 24,90

Light snacks

Most of our light snacks are served with bread and butter! Extra slice of bread: 1,00, 1 pretzel 1,80

Regensburg bratwursts

6 grilled pork sausages, served on sauerkraut with and 1 slice of bread 12,90


Bavarian cheese speciality made of Camembert, cream cheese, onions and spices, served with onion rings and 3 slices of bread 13,80

Our cold roast of pork

with horseradish, gherkin, onions, butter and 2 slices of bread 12,80

Smoked farmhouse ham

from the regional butcher, with horseradish, gherkin, butter and 2 slices of bread 14,50


thin-sliced cheese with butter and 2 slices of bread 12,50

Hacker Pschorr house snack

with cold roast port, smoked ham, Pfefferbeißer sausage, liver sausage,
assorted brawn, Emmentaler, Obazda cheese with butter and 3 slices of bread, maybe for two 18,90

Bavarian cheese platter (only available in summer)

with Emmentaler, Bavaria Blue and Obazda cheese garnished with grapes and onion rings, served with butter and 3 slices of bread 18,90

Vitamins & vegetarian

Large mixed salad

Mixed salad selection 9,90

“Gaucho salad”

Large mixed salad with fried beef tenderloin 21,90

“Fitness salad”

Large mixed salad with fresh fruit and pan-fried chicken breast 17,90

“Zicken Salat”

Large mixed salad with fried goat cheese 17,90

Our cheese spätzle

with crisp-fried onions and a side salad 17,80

Fresh mushrooms in herb-cream sauce

with bread dumpling 14,90

Spinach strudel

with mixed salad and herbal hollandaise sauce 14,90

For our younger guests

(Please note that these menu items are reserved for children up to the age of 12)

Small Schnitzel “Vienna Style”

with French fries 9,90

3 bratwursts

with French fries 7,90

Dumplings or spätzle

with gravy 4,90

Small roast of pork

with potato dumpling 9,90


Warm apple strudel

with custard and cream 8,90


cut up and sugared pancake with roasted almonds, rum and apple sauce 9,90

Assorted ice cream

3 scoops, choose from chocolate, strawberry or vanilla 5,90 / with cream 6,90


Planen Sie mit uns ihre nächste unvergessliche Veranstaltung!

Wir richten gern ihr Familienfest, Firmenfeier oder Jubiläum aus. Unsere Festräume eignen sich für die meisten geselligen und bedeutungsvollen Anlässe.



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Monday till Saturday: 11.00 till 23.00 o’clock
Sunday and public holidays: 11.00 till 22.00 o’clock


Non-stop warm kitchen until 22.00 o’clock
Sunday and public holidays till 21.00 o’clock

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